Pro-Team Association
6176 St Hwy VV. Rogersville, MO 65742
(417) 689-1108
PTA is a Division of the National
Youth Fishing Association/TA, Inc. which is a Not for Profit Organization
designed to help continue children’s education through the Sport of Bass
Fishing and to offer a Higher Level of Competitive Team Fishing. We encourage all High and Middle School aged
students to participate in our Scholarship Programs. TEAM
Memberships into the PTA is $75.00
for the Boat Captain and a Team of 1 or
2 High School/ Middle School grades (4-12). This is a two or three-person team. Members will receive the following benefits.
- PTA Awards are in
the form of Scholarships, Prize Payouts, Gift Cards, and trophies. - Yearly individual
membership allows each member to fish one or all-PTA events. - Each Member will
receive a PTA Membership Card.
The Following information is
required to become a member of PTA.
Fill out the following information and attach a Check or Money Order to Teen
Anglers/NYFA and mail to PO BOX 297
Rogersville, Mo. 65742.
Make Checks payable to Teen Anglers.
Credit Card Payments please call 417-689-1108.
Download: 2025 PTA Mem registration