2025 National Youth Fishing Association Tournament Entry Form
Anglers must be registered to enter
Join NYFA here
NYFA, has compiled a set of rules that have been compiled from the laws of the State of Missouri, Missouri Department of Conservation, and standard rules set forth by the bass tournament industry. Below are the addresses to obtain the proper rules and regulations to conservation and Boater Safety. NYFA will strictly enforce these rules.
The State of Missouri and Boater Safety Regulations can be found at the following: http://www.mshp.dps.missouri.gov/MSHPWeb/WaterPatrol/
The Missouri Department of Conservation fishing regulations can be found at http://mdc.mo.gov.
All Entries and fees must be received by the Tuesday at 7pm at PO Box 297, Rogersville, Mo. 65742, prior to the event to make the early draw. NYFA will take entries after and the morning of the tournament, all late entries will be placed at the end of the take-off field in order received and will be placed in the first weigh-in time for that day, an additional $20 late fee will be charged.
Missouri Team Entry
If you prefer not to enter online you can download an entry form https://nationalyouthfishingassociation.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/2025-NYFA-entryform-3.pdf
Boater Registration
All volunteer boaters must complete registration forms before participating in any NYFA tournaments.
All volunteer boaters must also complete a background check before participating in any NYFA tournaments.
Background check information can be found here
If you prefer not to fill out boat registration online you can download https://nationalyouthfishingassociation.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/2025-NYFA-PTA-Boat-Registration-1.pdf
Liability Release
All anglers and parent of minor anglers must sign the release before participating in any NYFA tournaments.
If you prefer not to fill out on line you can download the Liability Release https://nationalyouthfishingassociation.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/2025-NYFA-LIABILITY-Release-1.pdf
- Note: Liability Release MUST be on file with NYFA before anglers can participate in any tournaments